In some posts and comments, users refer to MOZAT as the BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) for Java phones.
We don't care how you refer to it because we're just glad you are using it to communicate with your friends no matter what phone you're using. So here's a review by Jenuwa Efemena on what he thinks of MOZAT's messaging service.
MOZAT Review: The New BlackBerry Messenger?
This new social IM app is skyrocketing to be top amongst strong competitors ininstant messaging like 2go, WhatsApp, Nimbuzz, BBM, eBuddy, etc. It keeps gaining more users each day because of its amazing features. It has MSN chat, Facebook chat, Yahoo chat, Gtalk(google talk) and its own chat; where you get to add friends who use it with their pins, phone number or chat nicknames. So the word 'Pin' or 'Ping' is no longer restricted to blackberry users alone.
Mozat also displays your friends' facebook and twitter updates which is one feature that made me fall in love with it instantly. Hence, you get to be everywhere from just a single app.
Just like the blackberry messenger, it runs in the background of your phone and alerts you when a new message comes(this feature is not available for java phone users). You get to view display pictures but you can't save one's picture as it is on bbm. You can also send/receive image, video and audio files.
Another awesome feature Mozat has is the 'Broadcast' feature where you can send a particular message at once to all your contacts. You will get blocked from sendingbroadcasts if you use it recklessly by sending too many. There is a 'Nearby Users' option which uses your location(network assisted) to suggest friends on Mozat that are close to you. Suprisingly, this feature works perfectly.
It also features 'Contacts Backup'. Mozat synchronises the contacts on your phone memory with their server and backs it up for you. The numbers can be retrieved at anytime anytime.
The RSS Reader feature collects news in the background and pushes the updates to you when there are new messages coming. You can also share with your friends with just a click. It has various chat rooms where you get to meet cool and interesting people. Its strength over the rest chat apps is that it combines all their features together. Another advantage is that it is available on all platforms; Java, Symbian, Blackberry, Android, iOS and will be available for Windows phones soon.
Mozat App is not so refined. Maybe its just me, but I do find the alert sound very annoying, although it's at its early stage and all flaws will be rectified in future updates.
Mozat is the next big thing in instant messaging! Do visit, download the version supported by your mobile phone and get pinging!!!
Jenuwa Efemena's original post can be viewed here. He writes for Tektweet, a blog dedicated for all things technology, gadget and mobile.
Download the latest version of MOZAT from and start adding friends thought their PINs.
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