Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!
We would like to share a useful writeup on how to add friends on MOZAT, thoroughly written by Jide Ogunsanya in his Ogbongeblog. He covered the first few critical steps after successfully downloading and installing MOZAT onto your phone, so here's the entry and hope you guys like it:
Thanks, Jide!
After you might have installed Mozat messenger onto your phone, you will have to add friends for you to chat using the Mozat app. You can add friends by adding their Mozat PINs. If you know the phone number of your friend, you can also add the friend using his/her mobile number.
How To Get Started
==> Launch the Mozat App
==> Scroll to "Chats" (right under the Mozat screen)
==> Select Menu.
==> You will see some options. Select ADD FRIEND
==> You will see the different ways you can add friends i.e Add by PIN, Add by Mobile Number etc
==> Select "add by PIN" if you know the PIN of the friend you want to add. Enter the PIN and select OK.
==> Select "add by mobile number" if you know the phone number of the friend you want to add.
A request will be sent to the friend and once accepted, you guys will be connected and can start chatting on Mozat.
The SEARCH for FRIENDS option allows you to search for those that are online, those that have pictures and you can also choose if it is male or female you want.
That's all.
Note: Though you can use Mozat app to chat with a Blackberry user who also have a Mozat account but you cannot add BBM PIN to the Mozat app. You can only add a MOZAT PIN.
I hope this helps.
If you are yet to download Mozat, click here to download Mozat Chat App Now!
Jide's post can be found on this link. Jide is the moving force behind the popular OgbongeBlog. He is an online researcher, an Internet marketer, a techie guy as well as a social media expert. And based on what we read in his blog, he now works for one of Nigeria's telcos.
Again, thanks, Jide and we wish you all the best!
By the way, if you have guys have a review on MOZAT or would like to make an app review or have already done so, feel free to drop us an email at with "MOZAT Review" on the subject line. You may also use this same email if you would like to request more information about MOZAT.
It's also the same email if you wish to report bugs, request features or have feedback and suggestions. We'd love to hear from you.
Meantime, enjoy the rest of Thursday!
Thanks for sharing my post with your fans. I will be writing more about Mozat in my future posts on my blog. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteJide, thanks for all the help!
Marie Thanks for all help !
My MOZAT PIN: M01163460