Thursday, 23 February 2012

MOZAT Review by Umoru Godswill: MOZAT Mobile Messenger

Hey, guys! How are you doing? Sharing a post by one of our expert bloggers, Umoru Godswill of Infocitadel, who first got a ping from a friend and eventually learnt about MOZAT. Read on to learn more about how you can stay connected.



This MOZAT chat application came as a surprise to me, while I was chatting online with friends, I got a PING from another friend happily saying; I can now ping with my Nokia phone. Astonished I ask how that is possible and now we talking MOZAT PINGING APPLICATION.

The MOZAT chat application is a social app just like Whats App and 2go but has its own features which we will discuss soon designed to keep you, friends and loved ones connected but in a unique manner because it
comes with a UNIQUE PIN NUMBER like the BBM number and I guess this is the very unique feature that drives its esteemed users to its usage.


1. It's Java and Symbian phone enabled
2. It works on virtually any web-enabled phone such as Nokia, Blackberry, Android, Ipad, Iphone
3. Its easy to use/setup
4. It has a dedicated UNIQUE PIN NUMBER per user
5. Unlimited free chatting

6. Instant Mobile Sharing (IMS)
7. Embedded Mobile Social Games
8. No User ID or Password is required
9. It Auto-Detects your friend
10. Connects to Social Networks (YM, MSN, Facebook Chat, Twitter,)
11. Auto Update of Facebook and Twitter Status via MOZAT

12. Pokes Enabled
13. Extra Social Tools (chatroom, polls and circles)
14. Reading your Facebook updates and friends updates from MOZAT

MOZAT Chat room


1. Visit with your phone to download (very light in size)
2.  Launch the application and register with your mobile number which will require you to select your country before entering your phone number
3. A verification code will be sent to you as an SMS, copy the code and enter it in the verify code box 
4. Follow the basic setup steps and you good to start PINGING. You might find friends already on MOZAT waiting for your immediately to complete the setup.
Note: I noticed it requires a lot of stable network, so keep trying if it pops up irregularity with network

How to find your PIN
When the app is launched, scroll to the last icon by the right which is your profile and you will find your PIN.

As a new mobile app to you, questions might roll through your mind, please leave such question and comments below in our comment box as they will all be answered or PING me via my PIN.



Umoru's post can be found here. Umoru Godswill writes for Infocitadel. He is a confessed tech guy, fascinated by the world of IT and is a tutor who trains beginners and advanced computer and Internet students. 

Thanks, Umoru, for a very detailed writeup! 

If you guys have a blog entry to share, feel free to email us at and we will feature your entry on this blog. We will give you a shout out on MOZAT and Twitter, too! 

Till our next post, stay cool!

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

How to Add Friends in the Chatroom

Greetings, friends!

Time for another quick tutorial. This time on navigating around the chatroom and adding users as friends.

Click on the "Chatroom" icon to start.

After choosing from any one of the chatrooms in MOZAT, click on it.

Once you enter, you will see the ongoing conversations among users.

Feel free to join in the convesation by typing in your message. However, if you would like to check out the users in the chatroom, click on the "Menu" and choose "User(s)".

You will then see a list of the chatroom participants. Click on a particular user to start interacting with him/her.


Click on "Open" to go to start the interaction.

You can check out the user's homepage or add him/her as a friend. Kicking a member by vote means this particular user is offensive, discriminatory or is displaying unacceptable behaviour in the chatroom.

There you have it. Wasn't that easy? Feel free to widen your circle of friends by hanging out in chatrooms and making friends. 

Hope this quick tutorial helps. Feel free to let us know of your comments or suggestions on how we can improve MOZAT better.

We would love to hear from you.! For comments and suggestions, drop us a mail at or let us know your comments in our official circle within MOZAT: MOZAT Nigeria Feedback.

See you around!

How to Add Your Twitter Account on MOZAT

Here's another quick tutorial on how to integrate your Twitter account with MOZAT. From your Java phone's grid view, click on the Twitter icon.


Enter your Twitter name and password. Make sure that the box below the password is ticked. You have to "publish your status to your Twitter account".

Once this is done, whatever you type on your MOZAT status (on the "What's happening?" space) will be tweeted to your followers.

You will have access to your timeline as well, perfectly combined with the updates feeds from your friends on MOZAT and/or Facebook (if this account has already been intergrated with MOZAT).

Hope this quick tutorial helps. Feel free to let us know of your comments or suggestions on how we can improve MOZAT better.

We would love to hear from you.! For comments and suggestions, drop us a mail at or let us know your comments in our official circle within MOZAT: MOZAT Nigeria Feedback.

How to Add Your IM Accounts

This is a quick tutorial on how to add 3rd party instant messaging accounts such as Yahoo Messenger!, MSN and GTalk, so you can start chatting with your buddies on MOZAT. From your Java phone's grid view, you should be able to see the following:

1. Click on the "Chat" icon:

2. You will then be brought to this page. Click on "Contacts".

3. Click on "Add a new chat account"


5. Choose which IM service you would like to add.

6. Let's say you're adding an MSN account. Enter you email and password.

7. Confirm by clicking on "Add Account".

Wait a while and you shall see your account. Repeat the same steps if you wish to add the rest of your IM accounts and integrate with your MOZAT account.

Then, you're free to chat with your buddies from all the IMs that you have.

Happy chatting!

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Discover MOZAT Users Around You

It's Friday once again and allow us to wish you a great weekend ahead. But before you make plans for Friday night or the weekend, here's a quick entry to remind you, once again, of some improvements that we made on MOZAT. These are in addition to what we announced a couple of days ago about the improved chatting experience in the chatroom.

First off, we are proud to announce the availability of a location-based service called "Nearby Users" for Java users. This lets you see other users near you, eventhough you are not using smartphone or a GPS-powered phone. We are thrilled for you to try it out so please do and let us know what you think.

In order for your to detect users that are close to you, you got to be near or within what we call the Java points across Nigeria. These are the following points:

Benin University, Benin City
Bower's Tower, Ibadan
Central Bank of Nigeria, Abuja
Emir's Palace (entramce), Zaria
Enugu White House, Enugu
Hussey College, Warri
Ilorin Central Mosque, Ilorin
Kano Railway Station, Kano
Lagos King's College, Lagos
Maiduguri Government House
Ogbomoso Stadium
Port Harcour Town, Port Harcourt
Rancher's Bee, Kaduna
University of Calabar, Calabar

To have an accurate "social discovery" you have to be within 50km radius of any of these Java points and you will see users near you. You can freely send them a message and when they reply, you are automatically friends. If you are within a Java point and it doesn't work, try redownloading MOZAT and overwriting your existing version.




Go ahead and make new friends. It's a fun new way of discovering new ones that are geographically close to you.

Another thing is the offline message. You can now receive messages even when you're offline so you don't miss a thing - whether important or not.


So, these are all for now. Catch you again soon. Have a wonderful weekend ahead!

Improved Chatroom Experience on MOZAT

We are pleased to let you know that we are slowly but surely improving our chatrooms so that you guys can have a good overall experience. These are the latest improvements:

1. @Friend Response - when you're in a chatroom and messages are scrolling up fast, you also want a way to respond to a specific message fast and not miss it. Now we made it easy for you to reply by simply clicking on the sender's message. The "@" sign will appear plus the name of the sender so you can immediately type in your reply without having the need to indicate the name of the message sender. It saves time and it's pretty easy!


2. Chatroom details are clearly indicated before you start chatting. You will clearly see how many participants are there in a chatroom. And of course, there's a short reminder on chatroom etiquette. We are all encouraged to be nice. :)

3. Coloured backgrounds - We implemented this change so that it's easy to read messages from different people. It's easier to keep track of conversations and more fun to chat, too!


We hope you'll have even more fun now that we've implemented these changes. Don't forget to upgrade your version to the latest by downloading the latest client from and overwriting your existing version.

Have fun making friends in the chatroom!


Sunday, 19 February 2012

Top 10 Things Users Like About MOZAT

We made a quick exercise late last week and asked you guys about what you like about MOZAT. Compiled all the responses and got these top 10 things users like about our app:

1. Chatting with many friends - yes, you may chat individually or initiate a group chat. You can even chat with your buddies on YM!, MSN or GTalk. If you haven't tried it yet, please integrate your IMs with MoChat and

2. Syncing social networks like Facebook and Twitter 

3. Mobile ping

4. Magic pokes

5. MOZAT is fun because “it keeps me busy when I’m not busy”.

6. Smileys are great!

7. Facebook on MOZAT has improved.

8. There’s a PIN like the BBM.

9. Easy to post and share photos on mobile

10. MOZAT is a community of good people. (Strongly agree!)Thanks to you because you're helping us build a community of good people.

Thanks for responding to our tweets. We appreciate all your replies.

We will help you earn new friends by shouting out your MOZAT PIN and the answer to our questions (which we will tweet about and will change often). But of course, you gotta reply using MOZAT.

Happy Monday! Hope you have a wonderful week ahead!

Saturday, 18 February 2012

MOZAT Review by Jenuwa Efemena: The New BlackBerry Messenger?

The PIN is your identity on MOZAT. It's unique and your access to a world of new friends, games, instant messaging, social sharing. We've seen in quite a few forums that users are actually encouraging their friends or other users to drop their PINs there so they can communicate. Cool, huh?

In some posts and comments, users refer to MOZAT as the BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) for Java phones. 

We don't care how you refer to it because we're just glad you are using it to communicate with your friends no matter what phone you're using. So here's a review by Jenuwa Efemena on what he thinks of MOZAT's messaging service.


MOZAT Review: The New BlackBerry Messenger?


This new social IM app is skyrocketing to be top amongst strong competitors ininstant messaging like 2go, WhatsApp, Nimbuzz, BBM, eBuddy, etc. It keeps gaining more users each day because of its amazing features. It has MSN chat, Facebook chat, Yahoo chat, Gtalk(google talk) and its own chat; where you get to add friends who use it with their pins, phone number or chat nicknames. So the word 'Pin' or 'Ping' is no longer restricted to blackberry users alone. 

Mozat also displays your friends' facebook and twitter updates which is one feature that made me fall in love with it instantly. Hence, you get to be everywhere from just a single app.

Just like the blackberry messenger, it runs in the background of your phone and alerts you when a new message comes(this feature is not available for java phone users). You get to view display pictures but you can't save one's picture as it is on bbm. You can also send/receive image, video and audio files.

Another awesome feature Mozat has is the 'Broadcast' feature where you can send a particular message at once to all your contacts. You will get blocked from sendingbroadcasts if you use it recklessly by sending too many. There is a 'Nearby Users' option which uses your location(network assisted) to suggest friends on Mozat that are close to you. Suprisingly, this feature works perfectly.

It also features 'Contacts Backup'. Mozat synchronises the contacts on your phone memory with their server and backs it up for you. The numbers can be retrieved at anytime anytime.

The RSS Reader feature collects news in the background and pushes the updates to you when there are new messages coming. You can also share with your friends with just a click. It has various chat rooms where you get to meet cool and interesting people. Its strength over the rest chat apps is that it combines all their features together. Another advantage is that it is available on all platforms; Java, Symbian, Blackberry, Android, iOS and will be available for Windows phones soon.

Mozat App is not so refined. Maybe its just me, but I do find the alert sound very annoying, although it's at its early stage and all flaws will be rectified in future updates.

Mozat is the next big thing in instant messaging! Do visit, download the version supported by your mobile phone and get pinging!!!

Jenuwa Efemena's original post can be viewed here. He writes for Tektweet, a blog dedicated for all things technology, gadget and mobile. 

Download the latest version of MOZAT from and start adding friends thought their PINs.

How to Save All Your Phone Contacts on MOZAT by Olayinka Oladele

Your phonebook holds the most important "treasures" in the world. They represent your loved ones, family and friends. So it's always a hassle when we lose our phones because we have to save all our contacts all over again after asking them one by one for their numbers.

One MOZAT feature that safeguards your contacts is the "Contacts Backup". Olayinka Oladele gives us a quick step-by-step guide on how to back up your contacts through MOZAT.



Have you ever thought of an easy way to backup your phone's contact without the expense of backup subscription? Its so simple now! Mozat is now allowing users to backup phone contacts without paying a dime.

With Mozat, you can backup all your mobile phone's contact with ease by following the steps below:
  1. Launch your Mozat app and Login
  2. Click on the third (flower) icon on the MOZAT icon list as shown below:
  3. Select Contacts Backup
  4. Wait for the Back up Screen to Show and select Backup Now; Allow any prompt message that is shown then wait for your phone contacts to synchronise.
All done! If you follow the steps above correctly, No need to pay for contactsbackup again as it is free with MOZAT!
  • Never loose contacts even if your phone is formatted.
  • Backup is totally free (No hidden Charges except for browsing charged by your network provider)
  • It's fast, easy and secure because you can always get yourcontacts back whenever you are pinging with your mozat app.
Another way Mozat Improves the Chat community.

Read Review and Download MOZAT here
How to Chat on Facebook using MOZAT
How to add friends on Mozat
Follow @MozatNigeria on Twitter.

My Pin: M14R2P


Olayinka Oladele is a young yet talented blogger who writes about useful tech tips and "how-tos". His original post can be found here. He writes for The Latest Info. Go check him out and follow him on Twitter: @Olaryeankarh

Download the latest version of MOZAT from and start adding your friends through their PINs. 

To Poke or Not to Poke

To poke or not to poke? That is the question. What is a poke anyway?

A poke is a virtual nudge, a gentle one at that, to say hello, get someone else's attention, or to simply get noticed when you don't have anything in particular to say or aren't sure of what to say. 

So I say go ahead and poke! It's so much fun that it's simple yet it does wonders.

We at Mozat are offering different ways to poke your friends, besides the simple poking. It's called a magic poke!


For our avid users, I'm pretty sure that you are well aware of this feature. For the newbies on MOZAT, you have a variety of magic pokes to choose from - from giving your friend a gift, a mug of beer or greeting him or her a happy birthday to kicking, robbing or kidnapping your friend! It's so much fun!

Simply visit your friend's profile and poke. It's okay to be playful once in a while. 

So let's all send a poke, a magic poke or two and let someone we know (or care about) that he or she is thought of today. Happy poking!

Have a nice day!


Download the latest version of MOZAT from and share the love. Follow us on Twitter: @MozatNigeria

Friday, 17 February 2012

How to Chat on Facebook Using MOZAT by Olayinka Oladele

It's Saturday and while I'm thinking of something worthwhile to do, I happily recall a post made by Olayinka Oladele, a talented blogger whose expert tech tips and "how-tos" have become a reason why many people visit his blog, including yours truly.

So he posted this a couple of days back, an easy-to-follow tip on starting a chat conversation on Facebook using MOZAT. Enjoy!



Seriously, MOZAT is a must have app on your mobile phone. 
Today, I'll be teaching you how to connect your facebook chat with mozat so as to use as a facebook messenger.
This among all other interesting features of mozat is one concern of mozat users today and if you are having problem trying to find a way to chat with your facebook friends? Here's the solution.
  1. Launch and Login to your Mozat
  2. Click on the Chat/Instant Messaging icon as shown below:
  3. Click on Menu then select IM Accounts. A list of Instant Messaging clients will be displayed to you
  4. From the list, Select Facebook as shown below:
  5. You will be asked to Authorize Mozat to your Facebook Chat, Click on Connect then click on "Allow" in the facebook dialog window that opens in your browser. (Make sure you've logged in to Facebook or you'll be required to do so).
  6. After these, simply go back to your mozat app and wait for mozat to login to your Facebook Chat. Do these for other available chat services like Gtalk, Yahoo... on your mozat also.
My Pin: M14R2P

If you don't have a mozat app,
 Read Review and Download here.
Learn how to Add friends on Mozat here . Follow @MozatNigeria. 


Olayinka Oladele's original post can be found here. He writes for The Latest Info. Follow him on Twitter: @Olaryeankarh

Have a great weekend you guys!